The Apple Geek

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Hello Again…

Well that was an hectic summer! The car enthusiast world suddenly opened up and all attention was focused on my other side project

My Apple devices have been put to good use over the past three months, from navigating to shows with the new and highly impressive Apple Maps in iOS15 Betas, to backing up and editing photos via Lightroom mobile on my iPad 11” Pro sat in a field whilst grabbing some food, or more in-depth blogging and photo editing back home on the iMac and MacBook Air.

Whatever the trip, journey or destination there has been an Apple product at the heart of it, the ecosystem truly worked its magic and the buzz to write about all things Apple has returned for Autumn, Winter and beyond.

90% of what I’ve covered content wise on Eurowerks this summer could of been done on an iPhone and iPad its shocking to think, the power you hold in your pocket these days.

iPhone 13’s looks interesting, and so does the refreshed iPad mini for a little side project I have planned…