The Apple Geek

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HandShaker for Mac

Apple used to make talking to non iPhones a breeze, when I had my first MacBook 13″ running 10.4 Tiger – the iSync app handled all the data transfer from it to my Sony W800i, K700 & K750i – remember those pre-smartphone feature phones, decent cameras and long battery life.

The camera on those Sonys outperformed the first 3 generations of iPhones and had a flash. I don’t normally venture into the world of Android. Even though I do have a Huawei P20pro purely to see what websites I’ve built or changes I’ve made looks like on non iOS devices, so after reading a piece in iCreate magazine which coincided with a friend moving from Windows to Apple, I decided to take a good look at Hand Shaker.

The Mac side of the two-piece application jigsaw is available from the Mac App Store, it’s small and lightweight to install, and very easy on resources. The Android application is downloaded directly to the phone in apk format and sideloaded on to the device.

Communication between MacOS and Android had previously been catered for by Android File Transfer, which 9.5/10 times didn’t connect or transfer the content over.

From the macOS app, you have a simple and easy on the eye GUI to manage all your content and media, dead simple and very quick even over WiFi.